Saturday, September 12, 2015

Third Day - Groningen to Midlaren

We had a tough time this morning getting out of the city. I am the navigator because I can read Dutch. I had us going along the wrong canal in the wrong direction. I felt like crying but I said to myself,"Not now and not yet!" We eventually found the route and saw the familiar white and red signs. After that bad start things went well. Better signage, too.
We are starting to get into beautiful scenery. We passed the lovely towns of Haren and Midlaren where people seem to live an idyllic lifestyle. Lots of gardening, horseback riding, biking and walking. All in lovely surroundings.
We finally reached our B&B which is in the middle of nowhere. We have to share a bathroom with two other couples (which we hate) and we have a round bed. It is also freezing in the room. So lots of clothes on. However, Ineke and Arnold are very nice! We are here two nights and we are not sure why. Maybe to teach us some humility. We were given a ride into town for dinner with the idea to take a taxi back. There are no taxies. So Arnold had to get us. 
Jeff fared a bit better today with his back. He upped the Advil dosage and there are way more benches now to take breaks. 
The whole thing is a big adventure!


  1. Nice picture of you walking down that sandy road! Six adults to one bathroom!!!!!

  2. Well, Chris - (Janette here) this post certainly answered all my musings of this morning! You guys sure are troopers! Keeping calm, and carrying on!

  3. What a crazy bed!.....the paths look wonderful....! glad you guys are trying this out before us ..LOL. we are learning some things.....laugh about the bathroom.....and ice cold room....last time in holland when we were with Jack and Jane visiting relatives...they put us in the same bedroom....with J&J. but the scenery is breath taking....bought head lamps for Bert for his b'day for me as well....we are up early this morning plan to walk with them to try them out...all training for the Pieter Pad....can't wait....Bert is 63 so that means 2 years....yay
