Sunday, September 20, 2015

Day 10, Ommen to Hellendoorn

We left Ommen this morning, refreshed and full of energy, after our day of rest. Weather remains very good for walking, overcast and cool but no rain until we are done for the day.
We were soon in Niewebrug where a lovely cafe served us cappuccinos and the best apple tart yet. It was cosy in there with all the walkers having a break. It did not take long before we encountered our first HILL! It is covered with purple heather and is 75 meters high. From the top a gorgeous view. The name of this "mountain" is Archemerberg. We broke into a slight sweat for the first time. Signage was excellent.
Then in the afternoon we were on a bike path along a very long road and suddenly realized there were no more signs. We had lost the Pieterpad or it had lost us. Not a great feeling. But all you need to do is stand at a crossroad, book in hand and puzzled expression, and someone will stop to help you. A friendly biker stopped  and told us how to get to Hellendoorn along some small road. So there we marched along the side of the road, for 6 km. Eventually, we reached the destination and had beer and fries as our reward. Lots of other Pieterpadders at De Kroon and we had a nice chat with one of them. 
At 5 we got picked up and taken to another B and B (Barg Willem) where we have another bedroom with a slanted roof over our bed. However, the people are very sweet and they are making us dinner!
Today was 22.10 km, 31,487 steps for me. Luckily, the next three days are shorter. We feel like Hobbits as we find our way in and out of woodlands, along cornfields and through old villages. Really an adventure!
We passed two small war memorials. One had to do with Camp Erika, which served as a concentration camp. The path we were on in the woods was used to march people there. The other was by a field where an RAF plane had crashed. I guess we will see more of this, being so close to the border. 


  1. Beautiful photo of the woods!

  2. Ketchup with the fries? Shouldn't that be mayo in Holland!!

  3. Peaceful. You both seem to be thriving on this "walk, eat, sleep" regime :) Helpful, friendly people along the way makes it even better! Have a good night of rest. We are just getting into another day of enjoying a break on the edge of the cliff at our beloved Madrona. Also very peaceful........Janette xox

  4. You guys look so good....the pics are beautiful......really your adventure...can't wait to do it ourselves.....we are at G.B lodge....not sleeping in master bedroom...but in the room above the garage...only place that has wifi right is so beautiful here...but a different beauty than where Diane and Bert

  5. I have been so into work that I forgot you had a blog, hence I have only been following you on Facebook. Last night I re-discovered your blog and realized what a lovely journey you are on. Today's pictures are stunning. I see few people other than you and wondered if through magic I could join you on the trail. I guess I will have to be patient like Diane, and wait for the time to come when it's our turn. Dreaming can keep me going. I am surprised you get lost. What happened to Jeff's watch with the GPS? It was fun reading your entire account in one night but the plan from here on in, is to check in daily to see how you are doing. Off for a walk now.
