Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Day 6 - Schoonloo to Sleen

Today was a very long day. Walked 24 km which is 34,324 steps. My Fitbit was glowing, as were my feet. Rain was predicted but we had none. The paths were mostly soft, through endless woodlands. Did not know Holland was that forested. No possibilities for cappuccinos at all today. However, a farm that we passed offered self-help tea and coffee plus stroop waffles for a small fee. Honour system. We could sit in a cozy little room and there was even a clean bathroom at our disposal. Such great Dutch hospitality. 
What made our day so long was that we got lost twice. Not for very long but enough that it added to our day. The forests are crisscrossed with sand roads, small paths and bike trails. And you better pay attention. Our little map book helped a lot. 
We are looking forward to a good dinner tonight. A young couple are Michelin chefs here. Last night's dinner across the street was not great. I could not chew the meat. 
We are feeling great despite the walking, walking, walking. We are meeting other lovely walkers and it is fun to share stories. 
It is raining now and damp in our room. I just figured out how to turn on the heat. 


  1. Great to see you both in good spirits despite the lack of cappuccino!

  2. Seems like a lonely,lovely walk in the woods....

  3. oh those spic and span dutch!!!
    hope your feet bounce back quickly Chris!

    love and light
